I still haven’t got KFX to work for me, but I don’t think I’ve actually broken anything this time. I am very grateful to those dedicated developers who spend their free time reverse-engineering the DRM code. In which case, the existing work-arounds to get KF8 format should still work. It may be that Amazon will update Kindle for PC/Mac very quickly. How long this code will work is anyone’s guess. It also now includes code that should handle the latest KFX encryption used by the latest Kindle for PC and Kindle for Mac. This release incorporates numerous small bug fixes contributed through pull requests to the GitHub repository. To leave a comment, see this post: DRM Removal Tools for eBooks.ĭeDRM_tools_7.2.1.zip can be downloaded from Please update to the latest version if you are having issues.
Select Get plugins to enhance Calibre from the drop-down menu.Right-click on the Preferences icon in the upper right-hand corner.To install the plugins, follow the instructions below: Combined, they let you collate multiple books or divide single books at your choosing.
The solution is to use two Calibre plugins called EpubSplit and EpubMerge. A long book means a large file size, and that can be problematic when you're waiting for a book to fully load in your e-reader. Similarly, some books are exceptionally long encyclopedias again spring to mind. Perhaps it's a series of books like the Lord of the Rings trilogy, or maybe it's a reference guide such as an encyclopedia.
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